Photo: Rolf Larsen.

Poll: Denmark’s Social Democrats See Sharp Decline in Voter Support

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The governing party, the Social Democrats, would face a significant setback if an election were held now. This is shown by an opinion poll conducted by Epinion for DR.

In the new poll, the Social Democrats receive support from 17.8 percent of voters. In the 2022 parliamentary election, the party received 27.5 percent of the votes.

The two other governing parties have also declined. Venstre has fallen by 4.6 percentage points to 8.7%, and the Moderates have dropped by 4.8 percentage points to 4.5%.

The index is based on a total of 2,025 completed interviews with a representative sample of Danes aged 18 and over, of which 1,502 (74 percent) expressed a party preference.

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