Denmark Puts Development Assistance to Palestine on Hold
The Danish Government has decided to put Danish development assistance to Palestine on hold.
In the meantime, a thorough review will be conducted to ensure that no Danish funding is misused to indirectly support terrorist organisations that attack Israel. This review will be conducted in close dialogue with Denmark’s partners in the EU and the Nordic countries. Denmark does not currently provide direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority.
The review will cover the current assistance provided to a number of civil organisations, infrastructure projects, agricultural projects and similar. Humanitarian support in the form of emergency aid to meet basic humanitarian needs will not be impacted.
-“After such serious aggression and the terrorist acts that Hamas has inflicted upon Israel, we need to stop and make absolutely sure that the support we distribute goes to the right people and projects. Therefore, this hold on payments is necessary,” says Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen.
According to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Afairs the long-term objective of Denmark’s bilateral programme with Palestine is to contribute to a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and to promote stability and improve the living conditions of the Palestinians who are trapped in the conflict.
The total Danish engagement in Palestine in 2023 is planned to amount to DKK 235.5 million.
A total of DKK 94.1 million in payments was planned for 2023 under the five-year bilateral country programme, of which DKK 72 million has yet to be disbursed. It is this assistance that is now being put on hold.
In 2023, Denmark has given DKK 115 million in humanitarian funding for emergency aid and basic services.
In addition, nearly DKK 25.8 million has been distributed to support development initiatives through Danish NGOs.