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The government aims to prevent the burning of the Quran in front of embassies

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The Danish government will now investigate the possibilities of intervening against Quran burnings in front of foreign embassies.

The government stated this in an official statement on Sunday.

“We are currently facing a situation where the burnings of the holy Quran in Denmark have reached a level where Denmark is being perceived as a country that facilitates the insult and denigration of the cultures, religions, and traditions of other countries across continents. Fifteen governments have condemned Denmark, and our ambassadors have been called for discussions. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is convening on Monday in response to the burnings of the holy Quran in Denmark and Sweden”, the statement says.

“Some of the actions we have witnessed were primarily intended to insult and provoke reactions in and from other countries. This could have significant consequences, harming Denmark and the interests of like-minded nations. It could also pose major security implications in Denmark.”

“The Danish government has clearly distanced itself from and condemned the burnings of the holy Quran. These burnings are deeply offensive and reckless acts committed by a few individuals. These individuals do not represent the values that Danish society is built upon.”

Although the government in the statement also emphasizes that “Freedom of expression is one of the most important values in Danish society. In our view, it must be so in an open democratic society, and there should never be any doubt that freedom of expression must have a broad scope in Denmark,” it will still explore options for “intervening in particular situations involving mockery of other countries, cultures, and religions, which could have significant negative consequences for Denmark, especially concerning security. Of course, this must happen within the framework of constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech and in a manner that does not change the fact that freedom of expression in Denmark has very broad limits.”

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