Thomas Woldbye. Photo: Jakob Kyed Bayram

Thomas Woldbye steps down as CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S

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After 12 years as CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S, Thomas Woldbye has resigned from his position to become the CEO of Heathrow Airport in London.

Thomas Woldbye will continue as CEO of Copenhagen Airports until September 30th.

Regarding Woldbye’s resignation, Lars Nørby Johansen, Chairman of the Board of Københavns Lufthavne A/S, stated:

“I am very sorry to receive the news of Thomas Woldbye’s resignation, but I have great respect and understanding for his decision to accept the offer to become the CEO of Heathrow Airport. Thomas Woldbye has been an exceptionally successful CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S. During his tenure, he ambitiously led the airport through its growth period, with passenger numbers increasing from 20 to 30 million in eight years, reaching record highs. He has skillfully guided us through the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Lars Nørby Johansen continued:

“On behalf of the board, I would like to thank Thomas Woldbye for his 12 years as CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S. His dedicated efforts, along with our competent management team, have positioned us strongly and solidly to continue our vision of being ‘Architects of the Future Airport.’ Following Thomas Woldbye’s decision to step down as CEO, the board will now commence the process of selecting the next CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S.”

Regarding his resignation as CEO of Københavns Lufthavne A/S, Thomas Woldbye said:

“There is never a good time to leave, but we are through the worst effects of COVID-19. The airport is in a good position for full recovery with robust plans for the future. I am proud of what we have achieved and the airport I am leaving for my successors. It has been some fantastic years with ups and downs, but always with a focus on customers, the future, quality, and the airport’s role in society, along with the many people who make it all happen.”

“Throughout my years at Copenhagen Airports, I have had the pleasure of working with many incredibly competent and dedicated colleagues. Like many other companies, Copenhagen Airports has experienced a particularly challenging time in recent years during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, throughout this entire period, the airport’s employees have worked tirelessly to ensure our daily operations, and they continue to deliver the best possible experience for the many passengers traveling through Copenhagen Airports. I am saddened to say goodbye to all my colleagues, but I have full confidence that they will continue their focused work to ensure a bright and exciting future for Københavns Lufthavne A/S,” concluded Thomas Woldbye.

The board of Københavns Lufthavne A/S will now initiate the process of selecting the next CEO.

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