Denmark strengthens work on peace and security in the UN
Today, the Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy is launching Denmark’s entry into the UN Peacebuilding Commission.
The world is currently experiencing the highest number of violent conflicts since World War II, and more than two billion people live in areas affected by conflict.
-There is a need for strong international cooperation if we are to overcome the massive challenges of violent conflicts. That is why Denmark has joined the UN’s Peacebuilding Commission, and for the next two years we will contribute actively to the UN’s work for a more peaceful, equal and secure world, says Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen.
Denmark brings decades of experience with peace and stabilization efforts and development cooperation to the table in the Peacebuilding Commission. Denmark’s efforts include concrete efforts in the Sahel, the Horn of Africa as well as in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine.
As a member of the commission, Denmark will, among other things, work to ensure that the UN’s peace-building work takes place with a special focus on the intersection between climate change and security, because climate change helps to intensify conflicts. At the same time, it is an important priority for Denmark that peace, development and humanitarian work are better thought together. Only through coherent support can the interconnected global challenges such as climate change, fragility, conflict and poverty be addressed.
Background on the UN Peacebuilding Commission
The UN Peacebuilding Commission contributes to maintaining peace and preventing conflict in vulnerable and conflict-affected countries and regions. The commission consists of 31 elected members across regions, who discuss both national and regional conflict situations. The commission has a predominant focus on Africa, as well as important thematic issues such as women, peace and security. The Peacebuilding Commission advises, among other things The UN Security Council and the General Assembly on conflict prevention, peacebuilding and sustainable development